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Jump start your contact center coaching program

Jump Start Your Coaching Program for 2020

Published: January 13, 2020 | By: Intradiem

“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.”
– Pete Carroll

Working as a call center agent is a tough gig.

The environment is dynamic and fast-paced. Customer inquiries continue to be more challenging and complex. According to Gartner, a mere 9 percent of customers report being able to solve their issue on the first call.1

Development time is hard to come by. Top that with inflexible schedules and strict adherence requirements. It’s not surprising that agent attrition is higher in contact centers than any other industry at 35-40 percent.2

Center leaders are certainly aware they need to work on improving agent engagement. Forty-eight percent cite coaching as the priority for improving agent experience.3

ICMI published an article with benchmark statistics demonstrating the correlation of agent and customer satisfaction. According to the author, Jeff Rumberg,

Agent Job Satisfaction is a bellwether metric that impacts many other metrics in the contact center. It is positively correlated with customer satisfaction and negatively associated with absenteeism and turnover, meaning that absenteeism and turnover go down as agent job satisfaction goes up. It turns out that the adage “happy agent equals happy customer” is not just a cliché; it can be demonstrated empirically!4

But how can you implement a true coaching program, built on best practices (i.e. not singling out poor performers or only focusing on what agents do incorrectly) within today’s contact center environment?

Last month, we invited contact center executive, Kevin Jolliffe, to join us for an interactive discussion to share his insights on the contact center environment in the telecommunications industry.

Watch this 20-minute video to hear more.

Jump start your contact center coaching program

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