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Maximize Agent Performance and Engagement: Key Insights from Metrigy’s Latest Contact Center Survey

Discover how to enhance customer experience, reduce shrinkage, and turn idle time into a valuable asset.

In a rapidly evolving contact center landscape, the ability to optimize agent performance while maintaining high levels of engagement is more important than ever. According to the latest Metrigy survey, contact center leaders who prioritize these areas are achieving significant gains in both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Great Customer Experiences Begin with Engaged Agents

A clear link exists between agent engagement, job tenure, and customer experience. More engaged agents stay longer in their jobs, and longer-tenured agents consistently deliver better customer service. Metrigy’s survey, which gathered insights from top contact center executives, found that:

  • 97% of leaders say that agent tenure directly impacts customer satisfaction
  • 58% of respondents report that more satisfied agents have longer job tenure
  • 46% of leaders confirm that longer-tenured agents earn higher customer satisfaction scores

These findings emphasize that investing in agent engagement doesn’t just improve job satisfaction—it also enhances customer experiences and overall performance.

Reduce Shrinkage and Make the Most of Your Team’s Time

Shrinkage—the time agents are on the clock but not actively handling customer interactions—is another area of focus. According to Metrigy, companies allocate 26% of their agent time for shrinkage, and this figure is rising as the need for ongoing training and breaks grows with the increasing complexity of contact center roles. Training, which takes up 30-60 minutes per week for agents, is one of the key contributors to shrinkage.

However, Intradiem’s patented contact center automation technology offers a solution. It identifies pockets of idle time—the time when agents are available but not engaged in active calls—and converts it into productive time for training, coaching, and other necessary tasks. This technology helps leaders significantly reduce shrinkage while keeping agents engaged and prepared for their roles.

Key Idle Time Insights from the Metrigy Survey

  • 22% of agents experience 60+ minutes of idle time per 8-hour shift
  • 28% report 30-60 minutes of idle time per shift
  • 19% experience 20-30 minutes of idle time per shift

Yet, idle time is notoriously hard to predict and manage:

  • 29% of idle time spans just a few seconds
  • 47% lasts a few minutes
  • 22% stretches into several minutes

Turning Idle Time into Productivity

Intradiem’s automation technology ensures no time goes to waste. It monitors agent schedules, call volume, and workflow patterns in real time, identifying unused capacity. By converting idle time into opportunities for training, coaching, or taking breaks, contact centers can reduce shrinkage and maximize their teams’ productivity.

How to Foster Engagement and Retention

With agents reporting high stress levels—87% saying their stress is “high” or “very high”—contact centers must prioritize strategies that keep their teams engaged and satisfied. The Metrigy survey revealed that offering flexible schedules, providing frequent recognition, and supporting agents with real-time, desktop training are all proven methods to improve engagement and performance.

Top Leader Recommendations for Engagement:

  • Reward agents with performance-based bonuses, prizes, and recognition
  • Offer flexibility in schedules to reduce burnout and increase satisfaction
  • Provide continuous training opportunities to boost skills and career growth

Boosting Performance with Contact Center Automation

By implementing real-time workforce management solutions, such as Intradiem’s, contact center leaders can ensure their teams remain productive, engaged, and prepared to meet rising customer expectations—all while optimizing service levels and controlling costs.

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