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Workforce Management’s Change Imperative

Published: March 23, 2017

Visionary white paper by DMG Consulting calls for revolutionary workforce model changes.

ATLANTA, GA (March 23, 2017) – Intradiem, the leading provider of Intraday Automation solutions to contact centers, back-office, and retail frontline workforces, today announced its support for DMG Consulting’s groundbreaking white paper, “NewGen WFM: The Future of Contact Center Forecasting and Scheduling.”

“We are excited to support the work that DMG is doing to lead important changes in how frontline workforces are managed to better meet the needs of employees, employers, and their customers,” said Matt McConnell, CEO of Intradiem.

As companies struggle to find a way to adapt to new staffing challenges spurred by the millennial workforce, DMG Consulting introduces a radically different workforce management operating model where agent flexibility and choice drive decision-making. DMG points to an emerging market shift where the balance of power between employers and employees is equalizing, and companies who fail to meet agent demand will fall further behind in the battle to deliver extraordinary customer experiences.

Donna Fluss, President of DMG Consulting and author of the white paper explains, “No one is truly happy with the current state of WFM solutions and best practices. This dissatisfaction is evident in the negative feedback and high agent attrition rates that have always plagued contact centers. NewGen WFM is the revolutionary change needed to resolve these age-old issues.”

In particular, Fluss challenges the traditional staffing model that relies on inflexible fixed shift paradigms, which is undesirable to the new era of workers who value choice. Instead, she envisions a new model where real-time demand meets real-time supply, and agent flexibility, self-service, and mobile-enabled applications are the driving forces behind an empowered and engaged workforce. Intraday management technology that responds to real-time changes in demand and availability is key to the success of DMG’s new contact center WFM model.

“This paper calls for an important change that we strongly advocate. Using rigid, silo-ed staffing approaches to serve dynamic customers has resulted in chronic employee attrition, globally dissatisfied customers, and low employee utilization. It is 2016! It’s time for frontline workforces to be just as dynamic as the customers they serve,” said McConnell. “As the leader in Intraday Automation with some of the world’s biggest brands using our technology to enable hundreds of thousands of contact center agents, retail store associates, and back office employees to dynamically serve their customers, we are delighted to support DMG’s vision. Donna is right on the mark.”

About Intradiem

At Intradiem, we believe the best technology is technology that supports humans. We are the only people-first customer service solution that has a real, long-lasting impact on your people, your customers, and your brand. We uncover, in real time, the untapped capacity in your contact center and give you the ability to use that capacity where it has the most impact. Time for Training, coaching, and wellness breaks – at the right time, every time. Automatic schedule updates. Call handling support. And with hard dollar savings that more than pay for itself. Intradiem: Contact center automation designed by humans, for humans.

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