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Financial Services Company Delivers 100,000 Agent Training Hours with Thrive Global


Work-related stress among contact center agents is unavoidable, but cumulative stress—the kind that fuels burnout and attrition—is preventable. When a major financial services company’s contact center agent teams shifted to remote work, a whole new layer of stress was added to their jobs. The company turned to Intradiem and its patented contact center automation technology, paired with science-based Reset breaks from Thrive Global, to ensure that remote agents would receive the support they needed to deliver quality customer service under uniquely difficult conditions. 


Contact centers continue to face the critical challenge of maximizing efficiency while delivering exceptional customer service. Such was the case with a leading financial services company that struggled to manage the well-being and effectiveness of their remote contact center agents. Burnout and attrition were significant issues, exacerbated by the challenges of remote work. High turnover rates and the associated costs of replacing agents further undermined the quality and consistency of customer service. 

Results with Contact Center Automation and Partnership with Thrive Global

Bolstered by its success with Intradiem, the financial services company partnered with Thrive Global in 2023 to expand support for its remote agents. Thrive Global’s behavior-change product suite helps organizations improve employee well-being and performance while debunking the myth that burnout is the inevitable price of success. Neuroscience studies have shown that focused pauses help prevent the accumulation of stress. Thrive Resets deliver calming visuals along with audio and breathing prompts to help employees recharge.


Industry: Financial Services
Agents: 6,347


  • Difficult to manage performance of remote contact center agents
  • Wanted to incorporate wellness activities
  • Training delivery negatively impacted service level





The company recognized that Intradiem’s genuine real-time capabilities would provide an ideal mechanism for delivering Thrive Resets to its agents. A shared commitment to agent well-being led the companies to form a unique, three-way partnership dedicated to securing and maintaining well-being across the financial services firm’s remote-working agent population.

Through their effective change management approach, Thrive’s revolutionary Resets, and Intradiem’s unique real-time capabilities combined to ensure rapid implementation and a smooth rollout of the solution. Using direct feedback from agents, the company was able to refine the thresholds that trigger wellness break delivery, contributing to more composed, more focused and more productive agent teams.

By leveraging Intradiem and Thrive, the company was able to: 

  • Deliver 100,000 training hours to agents in the first 10 months without impacting service levels or incurring additional operating costs 
  • Reduce stress and improve agent well-being through integrated wellness breaks, leading to sustained productivity and enhanced customer service quality 
  • Enhance efficiency by automating training and breaks delivery to agents’ desktops 
  • 55,000 Resets taken over the first 4.5 months
  • 72% of agents report feeling calmer at work
  • 9% improvement in agents’ ability to recover from difficult calls

Intradiem does what your WFM, ACD, CCaaS providers can’t—and neither can your people.


Thrive Resets and wellness breaks were integrated directly into agents’ workflows via Intradiem, which measures each agent’s call-handling flow against a threshold of consecutive interactions and triggers a Reset break offer when the threshold is crossed. Intradiem monitors ACD data output to identify appropriate intervals for agents to engage in Reset breaks. This unique, real-time capability generates an additional productivity benefit by eliminating pre-planned sessions and instead delivering Resets within the natural workflow. 

This transformation was accomplished through a strategic implementation of Intradiem and Thrive’s advanced features: 

  • Automated Training Delivery: Intradiem automates delivery of training and critical tasks directly to agents’ desktops, removing the need for supervisors to manage training schedules. 
  • Real-Time Assistance: Intradiem integrates with ACD and WFM systems to process data in real-time, enabling exceptional call-handling support and identifying opportunities for training within the natural workflow. 
  • Wellness Break Integration: Wellness breaks provide timely opportunities for agents to recharge, maintain focus and deliver consistently strong customer experiences.  
  • 15% reduction in the impact of stressful calls on subsequent calls by integrating Intradiem and Thrive

These targeted strategies were crucial in delivering productivity and well-being gains that helped transform the company’s operations. 

About the Solution

Intradiem’s collaboration with the financial services company and Thrive Global is consistent with its people-first commitment to technology in the service of human workers. Intradiem’s Agent Burnout Indicator provides organizations with a one-of-a-kind ability to identify contact center agents at risk of burnout and intervene to avoid costly attrition. Unlike traditional methods, Intradiem offers a proactive approach to managing productivity and well-being through real-time data aggregation and intelligent insights, and ensures that those Resets arrive precisely where and when agents need them most.

Intradiem’s automated, direct-to-desktop delivery removes the need for supervisors to create and manage training and break schedules for thousands of individual agents. As a result, critical support comes without any negative impact on customer service quality or operating costs. 

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