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Show Your Agents You Care this Valentine’s Day

Published: February 12, 2019 | By: Chelsea Atkinson

With Valentine’s Day upon us, what better time to show agents your care? This “Hallmark” holiday is for more than just giving out boxes of chocolates. It’s the perfect chance to acknowledge your staff for their dedication and hard work.

See how automation makes it easy to give your agents the recognition they deserve. And, you can use these tips for Valentine’s Day and beyond!

Secret Admirer

Being a call center agent is not easy. When call volume is low, reward your employees with a surprise break using Robotic Process Automation (RPA). With RPA, you can deliver notifications to agents’ desktops thanking them for a job well done.

Agent schedules will automatically adjust to account for the break, and they will feel appreciated knowing their efforts are being acknowledged.

Training Treats

Recognizing your high performers and providing them with training will motivate them to keep up the great work. By providing your staff with development opportunities it gives them a chance to improve their performance and further explore a new skill set.

Using RPA, you can deliver real-time training sessions directly to your agents’ desktops during downtime. If call volume spikes back up, the session can quickly be paused and later resumed.

Date Night

When members of your staff make Valentine’s Day dinner reservations, they can use a mobile app to request time off. With the ease of a Mobile App, agents have more control over their schedules and can quickly communicate to supervisors.

Automatic prompts are delivered to supervisors when an agent is running late or needs help trying to get a shift covered. The mobile app allows real-time communication between agents and supervisors to keep everyone informed.

Cupid Cupcakes

Receiving a call two minutes before lunchtime is nothing to smile about. It can be difficult to pinpoint how long your agent could be on the phone, ultimately impacting adherence and agent satisfaction.

With RPA, you can prompt an agent to take their lunch or break before they get stuck on a long call, eliminating adherence issues. Show your agents some love by helping them stay on schedule. And why not earn double the points by leaving surprise cupcakes in the break room when they take their lunch break?

Skip the candy hearts and give your agents something they’ll really appreciate. By increasing agent empowerment and engagement, you can boost overall morale and performance in your modern contact center. Now that’s a sweet treat!

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Intradiem.

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