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Warning: Agent Development Webinar for Call Center Outperformers Only

Published: November 1, 2012 | By: Matt McConnell

Note: The following blog post and its associated webinar are intended for call center outperformers only. This webinar may contain best practices that push the limits of traditional call centers. Viewer discretion is advised.

Managing a successful contact center involves much more than just ensuring you have enough agents in place to handle the forecasted call volume. Just because you’ve scheduled the right number of warm bodies doesn’t mean those bodies are prepared to deliver the level of service and support needed to keep your customers from wanting to take up boxing. In customer care, the goal is to deliver positive experiences – not to get punched – and the best way to achieve the former is via a frontline full of highly trained and continuously coached agents.

Providing comprehensive or individualized training and coaching in the contact center not only ensures that agents will perform at optimum levels, it ensures that they’ll actually want to. When agents see how much the organization has invested in and values their development, they become engaged and eagerly embrace their critical role as advocates for the customer.

Effective training and coaching in today’s contact center goes far beyond didactic instruction and one-way feedback. Agents aren’t lectured to, rather they are actively engaged via a diverse range of training and coaching tactics: e-learning, role-playing, nesting, mentoring, shadowing and self-appraisal, to name a few. Agents emerge from training programs and coaching sessions not exhausted and overwhelmed, but energized and empowered – excited to apply what they’ve just learned to dazzle customers and drive revenue.

Join us on November 15 for a lively discussion with special guest, Greg Levin, founder and principal of Off Center and learn the training and coaching practices shared by world-class customer care organizations. Attendees will learn how to:

  • Move beyond didactic instruction and one-way feedback
  • Implement individualized training and coaching plans
  • Motivate agents to perform at optimal levels
  • Streamline operations to dazzle customers and drive revenue


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