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Improve the Bottom Line and Put People First with Contact Center Automation

Solution Overview | Contact Center Automation

Give Your Employees the Tools They Need to Succeed

Great customer service is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Your customers’ loyalty and your business’s reputation are on the line with each interaction, so you need to get it right every time. It all starts with engaged employees who feel valued and motivated to give their all to satisfy customers. With the right technology, you can give your agents all the support they need to succeed. That will generate more satisfied customers and more profitable business performance.

Running an effective contact center requires a constant balancing act between your operations team, which is charged with ensuring smooth service delivery while keeping costs down; your frontline agents, who need reliable support to deliver effective customer service; and your customers, who expect their issues to be resolved quickly and smoothly.

Traditional contact center processes are no longer sustainable, as processes grow more complex, employees demand more respect, and customers demand more satisfaction. With artificial intelligence (AI) out of the gate and spreading across the business landscape, the use of intelligent automation is now essential for achieving the high levels of process efficiency and employee support needed to deliver consistently strong customer experiences. Businesses that master these new challenges will enjoy competitive advantage and long-term success.

This guide explains how Intradiem’s contact center technology leverages real-time automation to satisfy the needs of all stakeholders simultaneously. With Intradiem, organizations can inject much-needed efficiency into contact center operations and also provide frontline agents—who are often the primary touchpoint between your brand and your customers—with all the functional and personal support they need to succeed.

“Having technology that makes business adjustments consistently and in real time has had a significant impact on our ability to reduce operational costs without sacrificing agent satisfaction or customer experience.”

Fortune 25 Healthcare Company

“Intradiem sits at the intersection of CX platforms and automates decisions the best contact center manager would make if human managers could process information quickly enough. Frost & Sullivan is impressed by how Intradiem articulates its value proposition and the brilliance of its many use cases that address the significant operational challenges that CX teams face daily.”

Frost & Sullivan

“Increased reliance on automation in the contact center is not an option; it’s a strategic imperative. We deployed Intradiem automation to 5,000 agents across various centers over five weeks and saw a 15-60 second reduction in average call handle time.”

Virgin Media

“Having technology that makes business adjustments consistently and in real time has had a significant impact on our ability to reduce operational costs without sacrificing agent satisfaction or customer experience.”

“Intradiem sits at the intersection of CX platforms and automates decisions the best contact center manager would make if human managers could process information quickly enough. Frost & Sullivan is impressed by how Intradiem articulates its value proposition and the brilliance of its many use cases that address the significant operational challenges that CX teams face daily.”

“Increased reliance on automation in the contact center is not an option; it’s a strategic imperative. We deployed Intradiem automation to 5,000 agents across various centers over five weeks and saw a 15-60 second reduction in average call handle time.”

Confronting Dynamic Demand with Fixed Supply

All contact centers face the same core challenge: how to satisfy dynamic demand (variable customer volume) with fixed supply (pre-scheduled agents).

The cadence of customer requests—coming in by phone, website, email, chat, messaging apps and social media—varies unpredictably according to time of day, promotions, legislation, bad weather, and many other factors. But staffing schedules are, by necessity, fixed in advance. As customer demand and agent supply move in and out of sync throughout the day, your contact center seesaws between under-serving customers and overpaying for labor. This dynamic is increasingly compounded by labor force challenges where many organizations are not even able to staff to baseline demand requirements.

The contact center market is flooded with technology solutions, so why hasn’t the challenge of handling dynamic demand with a fixed supply been solved? To effectively solve this age-old problem, technology solutions must remain cognizant of three key matters in real time, all the time:

  • All incoming customer interactions
  • Labor force availability and skill sets
  • Specific details of each on-call agent’s activity

Historically, technology solutions for contact centers have focused on addressing one or two of these areas. For example, workforce management (WFM) systems understand labor force availability and skill sets. Automatic call distributor (ACD) systems understand incoming phone interactions. Agent assist solutions understand what is happening on the agent’s desktop. But none of these solutions is capable of maintaining a complete, constant, real-time view of customers, operations, and agents at the same time.

The mass of data flowing from multiple systems would be significantly more useful if contact centers could process and leverage it as it’s generated to improve operating performance, agent support, and customer satisfaction in real time without the need for manual intervention.

Putting Your Agents First

Intradiem believes technology should be used to empower contact center agents, not replace them. Our patented, AI-powered automation technology integrates with contact center technology systems and processes their data output in real time, revealing unused capacity that can be redirected to its most productive use.

Through real-time monitoring of schedules, call volume and workflow, Intradiem delivers unprecedented call handling support and identifies opportunities to deliver breaks, training, and other time-sensitive tasks within the flow of real-time conditions.

When you provide your frontline agents with this level of support, you ensure that they’ll always be ready and able to solve your customers’ inquiries and leave each customer feeling valued. Intradiem’s contact center automation solution boosts operating efficiency, enhances agent engagement, and improves end-customer experiences—all while delivering concrete savings and same-year investment return.

How it Works

Intradiem technology integrates directly with your incoming customer interaction channels (ACD, chat, etc.) as well as with your WFM system. In addition, Intradiem provides a component that sits on the agent desktop to monitor in real time what each working agent is doing at any given time. Data from all contact center systems are continuously fed into the Intradiem platform’s customizable rules engine, which operates on an if-then basis: You calibrate thresholds and actions to satisfy your organization’s objectives, and if a threshold is crossed, Intradiem then triggers automatic action and notifies the actor(s) involved with no manual intervention.

For example, minimizing the time it takes agents to resolve customer calls is a key driver of productivity—not to mention customer satisfaction! Contact center leaders need to know how much time callers spend on hold and how much time agents spend on off-phone work after calls. Monitoring those metrics across the entire agent team, while ensuring agents are receiving support when they need it has always been a tall order and is bordering impossible in today’s world of dispersed workforces.

With Intradiem, when an agent exceeds pre-defined thresholds, the system automatically sends an alert directly to the agent’s desktop with an assistance offer or a reminder to exit after-call work or return to a customer on hold. Automating this process makes agents and supervisors more engaged, efficient, and productive while reducing customer effort. And by shaving seconds off the average handling time for thousands of calls each day, it also significantly reduces operating costs.

With Intradiem, when an agent exceeds pre-defined thresholds, the system automatically sends an alert directly to the agent’s desktop with an assistance offer or a reminder to exit after-call work or return to a customer on hold. Automating this process makes agents and supervisors more engaged, efficient, and productive while reducing customer effort. And by shaving seconds off the average handling time for thousands of calls each day, it also significantly reduces operating costs.

Intradiem offers templated automations to address contact center management challenges, such as:

  • Managing call handling time
  • Finding unforeseen downtime to deliver training and communications or coaching sessions
  • Attendance situations such as calling in sick or late
  • Managing schedule adherence to ensure that agents get lunch and other breaks on time
  • Managing AUX adherence to ensure that agents don’t abuse specific off-phone AUX codes
  • Recognizing agents with surprise breaks
  • Overstaffing and understaffing situations throughout the day

“Intradiem combines an intelligent platform with real-time automation capabilities to deliver an efficient solution for managing the daily activities of contact center customer service teams. What makes Intradiem hot is that its robust suite of contact center automations functions in real time.”

Aragon Research

“Intradiem is mission-critical technology for managing our contact centers in both virtual and brick-and-mortar environments. The ability to monitor and act in real time is a game-changer for improving operational efficiency and employee engagement.”

Fortune 500 Insurance Company

“The benefits [of Intradiem] were immediate: We delivered 8,000 training sessions and harvested 2,800 training hours in the first three months. Normally that would require extensive off-phone time and additional full-time employees to achieve.”

Fortune 500 Financial Services Company

“Intradiem combines an intelligent platform with real-time automation capabilities to deliver an efficient solution for managing the daily activities of contact center customer service teams. What makes Intradiem hot is that its robust suite of contact center automations functions in real time.”

“Intradiem is mission-critical technology for managing our contact centers in both virtual and brick-and-mortar environments. The ability to monitor and act in real time is a game-changer for improving operational efficiency and employee engagement.”

“The benefits [of Intradiem] were immediate: We delivered 8,000 training sessions and harvested 2,800 training hours in the first three months. Normally that would require extensive off-phone time and additional full-time employees to achieve.”

Putting your People First Pays Off

Providing your agents with scheduling flexibility, robust on-call support, and timely training and coaching will help reduce attrition. The cost of recruiting, training and onboarding a new agent can run as high as $30,000; some businesses suffer attrition rates of 50 percent or higher, meaning that an organization that loses 5,000 agents per year (not uncommon) faces an additional $150 million in costs.

A Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study from Forrester Consulting demonstrated that organizations leveraging Intradiem technology can achieve an ROI of 342% over three years and recoup their investment in less than six months. The study highlighted savings from reduced employee attrition.

First Step to Success

Intradiem offers a pilot program designed to provide customers with a low-risk, low-cost demonstration of the value and savings they’ll get from the solution. The pilot includes integrations to key contact center technologies (ACD and WFM systems) and access to the training and communications and call handle time automations mentioned above. A group of up to 250 agents is selected to participate in the pilot and have access to the product for 60 days after going live.

Intradiem gathers and analyzes performance data over the course of the pilot, sharing results with the customer each day over the first 15 days and then weekly through the end of the pilot, as measured against predefined success criteria.

Intradiem believes that strong customer partnerships are the backbone for long-term success. To ensure a clear understanding of the customer’s environment and a solid foundation for successful integration, Intradiem uses real data supplied by the customer to build a business case that demonstrates the savings and return on investment (ROI) that will result from adoption. To ensure a smooth implementation, Intradiem conducts a technology environment review with the customer’s IT department and presents an overview to the customer’s legal and procurement departments.

“The automation capabilities of Intradiem minimized the time contact center agents, supervisors, WFM analysts, and trainers needed to spend on manual, low-level tasks, and helped them feel more supported and valued by their companies. These benefits helped improve job satisfaction and contributed to significantly lower employee attrition.”

VP, Contact Center

“The automation capabilities of Intradiem minimized the time contact center agents, supervisors, WFM analysts, and trainers needed to spend on manual, low-level tasks, and helped them feel more supported and valued by their companies. These benefits helped improve job satisfaction and contributed to significantly lower employee attrition.”


Intradiem experts apply a structured and highly transparent approach to guiding customers through each step of the implementation process. Our business consultants help you make the right decisions for your business and configure the system in a way that works best within your environment—sharing insights throughout the process to accelerate your acquisition of the expertise necessary to get maximum benefit from Intradiem’s addition to your technology ecosystem. Intradiem engineers perform all integrations with minimal input needed from your IT team.

Implementation begins with a kickoff call led by a dedicated Intradiem Project Manager, followed by operational and technical readiness phases. Operational readiness is designed to prepare your team to successfully deploy and support Intradiem in your contact center. A dedicated Intradiem Customer Success Manager (CSM) consults with your teams on proven best practices in a series of collaboration sessions, with additional follow up information provided to the customer as needed.

The operational readiness phase focuses on four areas: Customer Success Management, in which the customer is introduced to Intradiem’s success management engagement model; Operational Strategy, where roles are aligned and support processes are defined; Change Management, where a coherent change management framework is established and executed; and Investment Return Methodology, to align the customer with Intradiem’s ROI methodology.

The technical readiness phase begins prior to ACD/WFM integrations to ensure successful connectivity to your existing contact center platforms. During this phase, an Intradiem Technical Readiness Analyst (TRA) conducts a series of meetings with your team to discuss the ongoing status of key steps including hosting preparation, technical documentation, server integration, network and security approvals, SSO configuration, and ACD/WFM integration prerequisites. These are managed according to the particularities of the customer’s environment and overseen by an Intradiem System Integration Engineer (SIE).

Once readiness phases are successfully concluded, technical and user testing phases are performed prior to official launch. Depending on customer infrastructure and procedures, the entire implementation process may be expected to take 90-150 days.

Security, Compliance and Privacy

Intradiem is a trusted technology partner to major organizations across the business landscape, deploying a SaaS application architected with the highest compliance and up-time standards. Our hosting is fully virtualized and engineered for redundancy and reliability. Intradiem is committed to data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. We partner with leading security professionals including AWS Cloud Security, CrowdStrike, Palo Alto, and Rapid7.

Compliance & Privacy

All systems are housed in ISO27001-certified data centers or cloud providers which are owned and managed by global leaders. Systems are operated and managed by Intradiem service which is ISO27001:2013-certified globally as well as in cooperation with AWS.

Data Centers and Cloud Environments

Intradiem runs its applications in regionalized data centers and or geographical cloud-based access environments. The key tenets of our data centers are:

Data Storage, Backup, and Recovery

Customer data is stored on an enterprise-level storage array providing maximum performance, protection, data integrity, and storage encryption. Daily data backups are always replicated over our private network setup to the Disaster Recovery site under Intraday control.

Network Security

Intradiem segments sensitive production servers and data behind state-of-the-art firewalls, using restrictive firewall policies and a virtually segmented architecture that provides multiple segregated security zones for maximum data protection from external, or internal attacks. We commission trusted third parties to undertake regular external network and web application penetration tests and undertake weekly internal vulnerability scans of all systems and infrastructure.

Application Security and Authentication

Passwords are encrypted using the SHA 256 hashing algorithm. Data encryption at rest is defined per application setup and per customer requirements; when used, encrypted data will use AES256 bit as a minimum.

Intradiem supports Single Sign-On (SSO), which requires users to be authenticated via their identity provider using the SAML 2.0 protocols. All data access occurs through the application via HTTPS (TLS 1.2 and 1.3); direct access to the database is never afforded.


Intradiem invests significant effort and resources in the continued expansion of its growing portfolio of technology patents. This also helps generate maximum value for our customers and partners. If you would like to learn more, click here.


Intradiem provides thorough training on its technology to ensure maximum customer benefit. Intradiem holds a training strategy meeting with customer project managers to organize use case training sessions for key stakeholders, with dedicated modules presented to workforce managers, administrators, supervisors, and agents.

All training modules comply with Section 508 rules to ensure accessibility to people with disabilities. Training modules are available in English and French Canadian, and other languages are accommodated on an as-needed basis.

In addition, customers have access to Intradiem’s online knowledge base, WebHelp, which houses all user-facing documentation for the Intradiem platform. This includes documentation on how to implement Intradiem use cases, create rules, add users and assignments, and other related tasks. WebHelp also has information on Intradiem policies and procedures.

Training resources for administrators and supervisors are also located in WebHelp. There are agent training resources in WebHelp that can be distributed to agents by their supervisors or administrators. WebHelp access is included with your subscription license but requires a login and password. WebHelp access is generally restricted to administrators, supervisors, or others who need to be able to manage and configure Intradiem. Agents do not have access to WebHelp.

We Ensure Customer Success

The launch of Intradiem solutions signifies the start of an ongoing strategic partnership. A dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) works closely with the customer to operationalize Intradiem within the customer’s technology environment, to help facilitate use case solution planning and execution and provide change management guidance, and drive value realization and maximize the customer’s investment return.

The partnership comprises a regular cadence of meetings to review performance progress against the established success roadmap, quarterly meetings to provide a summary and overview of Intradiem adoption and investment return, and annual meetings to ensure the ongoing alignment of Intradiem’s roadmap with the customer’s technology environment.

At Intradiem we measure our success by the success of our customers. From product development to implementation and support, everything we do is in the service of our customers. We develop new products based on the real challenges customers face, and we’ve organized a community of users to spread best practices.

Each new Intradiem use case solution is developed with the direct participation of as many as 30 percent of our customers. We ask them to help us understand their business problems, explore potential solutions together, gather their feedback as products advance through development, and release solutions that solve real problems faced by companies like yours.

Intradiem hosts semi-annual Forefront Executive Council (FEC) meetings in the US and in the UK. These events bring together forward-thinking industry leaders to identify and discuss common challenges and share best practices on how Intradiem’s contact center automation technology is revolutionizing customer service.

More than a quarter of a million contact center agents use Intradiem every day—serving customers and helping to preserve the brand reputations of five of the largest banks in North America, the top six U.S. health insurance providers, and 15 of the top 80 companies in the Fortune 500.

These and other major organizations have committed to leveraging the market’s most advanced automation technology and are now on the path to delivering customer service as it’s meant to be experienced.

Intradiem Unlocks the Untapped Capacity in Your Contact Center to:

  • Focus on agent training, wellness and productivity​
  • Automate schedule updates​
  • Provide call handling support when it’s needed most​
  • Ensure your agents deliver the best customer experience

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