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Customer Success: Cost Reduction with Automation

Published: October 11, 2018 | By: Jennifer Lee

What would it mean to your center if you could improve first call resolution (FCR)? Or reduce overtime pay? For our customers, this means significant cost reduction. Take a look at some of their recent successes:

4.5% Increase in FCR: This leading telecom provider needed a way to improve agent performance. Providing training quickly and easily was difficult for the WFM team due to manual processes. Using real-time workforce automation, the organization now delivers targeted training to agent desktops during available time. The WFM team no longer manually schedules and reschedules off phone training. By providing training specific to agent needs, agents can better serve their customers. In fact, the center has improved first call resolution by 4.5%.

Cut Overtime Cost: This top telecom company was looking for a way to resolve understaffing issues without paying overtime. Spikes in call volume made it impossible to plan each day accordingly. Since using real-time automation, they have reaped many benefits. The organization uses the platform in a highly innovative way. When call volume is unexpectedly high, part-time agents (who haven’t exceeded their shift hours) receive an alert asking if they want to work overtime. The 5% increase in extra hours increases occupancy without the need to pay overtime.

Give Agents a Helping Hand: This financial services company knew agents weren’t getting assistance quick enough. Customer hold times were longer than expected while agents waited for supervisors to become available. Agent and customer satisfaction was quickly dwindling. Now, the organization uses real-time automation to quickly and easily find available supervisors to help agents in need of assistance. Agents are happier, customers are receiving better service and the company has achieved an 18X investment return. Everyone wins!

Productivity Boost: This fortune 100 insurance company was struggling to increase productivity while also ensuring agents received proper training. The weekend and night shift agents weren’t getting the same development opportunities as others. Using real-time automation, training is now delivered during idle time. This means agents receive training regardless of their shift times. The result? A 3% increase in productivity by uncovering 3.6 hours per agent per month that was otherwise lost.

Stay tuned for our next round of customer success stories to see how organizations just like yours are transforming their workforce and reducing costs.

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