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Ring in the Holidays with Real-time Automation

Published: December 21, 2018 | By: Jennifer Lee

With the holidays in full swing, is your call center busier than ever? The chaos that ensues this time of year turn can quickly turn even the most thoughtfully planned and forecasted day awry. Unexpected spikes in volume can leave your team fighting fires to keep up. How do you possibly prepare?

Real-time workforce automation streamlines operations to help transition from reactive to proactive, maintaining service levels and improving both the agent and customer experience. Instead of relying on manual, tedious tasks associated with intraday staffing adjustments to keep things afloat, management processes are completely automated. In short, real-time automation enables leading call centers to operate at maximum efficiency even during seasonal spikes.

Imagine if you had one billion elves working hard to streamline processes and deliver a more engaged workforce and happier customers. Recently, Intradiem reached a major automation milestone, delivering one billion automated actions per year. These actions allow our customers to solve their greatest challenges and meet their productivity and cost reduction goals. It’s as if our customers truly have automated elves working for them to make each day a success. Here are a few examples of how Intradiem customers are using automation to ensure a seamless holiday season:

Top Call Centers Improve Overall Efficiency:

  • The Challenge: Seasonal spikes cause an abundance of unpredictable factors.
  • Proven Solution: Intradiem real-time automation monitors handle time and increases availability to better maintain service levels.
  • Value-add Benefit: Major health insurer saved $16.5M; leading telecom saved $25M; top financial services company saved $19M

Leading Call Centers Increase Security Training: 

  • The Challenge: With fraud on the rise during the holidays, call centers need an efficient way to ensure employees are trained on security best practices.
  • Proven Solution: Real-time automation delivers timely communications to reinforce and test security basics without impacting service level.
  • Value-add Benefit: $19M for a leading financial services company; $26M for a major healthcare provider; $16M for a top telecom company

Customer Service Centers Make Productivity a Priority

  • The Challenge: Holiday-related stress leads to increased employee absenteeism and turnover rates that can threaten the customer experience and productivity.
  • Proven Solution: Real-time automation delivers timely training, surprise breaks and VTO offers when volume allows.
  • Value-add Benefit: Increased employee satisfaction: “I love these little breaks off the phone.” – Rebecca, Member Care Representative, leading healthcare provider

Real-time automation offers robust capabilities that enable you to solve the complex challenges you face over the holidays and every day in between. Your team no longer must spend their time on countless tedious management processes associated with intraday staffing adjustments. They can think strategically and focus on the most important aspects of the business. It’s as if your center has one billion automated elves keeping operations running at optimal levels.


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