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Intradiem Launches New Savings Guarantee with Workforce Automation Platform

Published: November 19, 2019

Real-Time Capabilities Pay Off by Improving Efficiency, Agent Engagement, and Customer Experience

ATLANTA, November 19, 2019 — Intradiem, the leading provider of workforce automation, today announced a new program that guarantees savings for its customers.

“A customer recently shared how workforce automation compared to other projects they’ve implemented. For example, the company invested tens of millions in CRM and chatbots. Both projects spanned multiple years and neither provided any measurable benefit,” said Matt McConnell, CEO at Intradiem. “On the other hand, Intradiem is viewed as the model for how to be successful with automation at this company. The workforce automation project was much smaller, generated benefits in less than 90 days, and has proven to save the company millions. And, the value will increase over time as they add use cases.”

In the past two years, Intradiem customers have saved over $160 Million, and 2019 marks the first year that they have collectively saved over $100 Million annually. The company’s leadership team closely tracks the savings trend and established this program.

The workforce automation platform is uniquely designed to process high volumes of data in real time, which is required for automation solutions to make cost-savings adjustments within a dynamic call center environment. This capability is unmatched in the contact center industry. The architecture of the platform allows for customer-authored rules, which allows them to tackle challenges specific to their business.

The company’s success management team partners with customers throughout their automation journey to ensure value is derived from the platform. This team strategically advises customers on the maturity model, which is essential for increasing savings year over year.

“We are so confident that workforce automation can deliver significant savings – we are willing to guarantee our results,” said McConnell. “The architecture of the platform coupled with a steady increase in adoption yields measurable and significant hard dollar savings. What sets us apart from other types of automation is the ability to improve agent engagement and the end-customer experience while exceeding savings goals.”

About Intradiem

At Intradiem, we believe the best technology is technology that supports humans. We are the only people-first customer service solution that has a real, long-lasting impact on your people, your customers, and your brand. We uncover, in real time, the untapped capacity in your contact center and give you the ability to use that capacity where it has the most impact. Time for Training, coaching, and wellness breaks – at the right time, every time. Automatic schedule updates. Call handling support. And with hard dollar savings that more than pay for itself. Intradiem: Contact center automation designed by humans, for humans.

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